Apple Mono Diet: Tips & How To

This article is informative.
It does not replace any medication or medical prescription.
Ask your doctor for advice before starting an apple mono diet.

Before starting any kind of mono diet, be sure to read and follow the steps of how to prepare yourself, described in my dedicated article.


The baked apple mono diet is part of the fruit mono diets. It is used very often by naturopaths, because baked apples are one of the mildest fruits, easy to digest and do not irritate the sensitive intestines. They are well tolerated even by the most sensitive people.

Detox & fruit mono diet

Fruit mono diets are amongst the most powerful tools that I have at my disposal as a naturopath. It is better doing short and recurrent mono diets lasting from 1 to 5 days and watching every day meals than doing long mono diets and then having an every diet that is not tip-top. Daily consistency and perseverance bring remarkable results over time.

Why use steamed apples?

As temperature drops down, the steamed apple mono diet is the most suitable mono diet for people with a sensitive digestive tract and / or who have a difficulty warming up in the winter. The heat of steamed apples brings warmth and physical and emotional comfort.

Practical wise... what to do?

  • First, peel the apples using a vegetable peeler. This is the fastest way I’ve found personally. (If you like to eat steamed apples with the skin, there is no need to peel them of course. Personally I prefer eating them without.)

  • Then cut them in 4 and remove the seed part.

As for cooking, the best way is to steam them. In order to do so, there are several very simple ways:

  1. Put in a small saucepan a bottom of water at the height of a finger, add the apples and cover with the lid.

  2. Use the previous configuration by adding a steamer basket.

  3. Then cook the apples over medium heat for about 15 minutes. (Cooking time varies for each variety of apple)

My advice: prepare 7-8 apples at a time, so that you have some at hand whenever you are hungry.

As with the grape cure, buy different varieties and eat as much and as often you want. The goal here is not to be hungry.
Since the apples are cooked, the body is not really nourished and autophagy takes place.

My tips for a gourmet apple mono diet...

In the water used to cooking the apples, I add a cinnamon stick and a few cloves. This gives a very pleasant infusion and brings variety!

Practical advice: liver, how to take care of it?

The liver is one of the most stressed organs during a detox, because it filters a large part of the toxins and sends them to the intestines so that they can be eliminated. The liver likes heat and in order to optimize its function, it needs warmth. We can warm it up by eating or drinking hot meals and infusions during the cure (cooked apples, herbal teas), or by using a hot water bottle. My advice is to apply it under the right ribs (at the level of the liver) about 30 minutes / day during mono diets. If you feel the need to apply it more often, you are welcome to do so.

Practical advice: what to do during the detox?

As with the grape cure, another very important thing during the baked apple mono diet is the daily use of an enema bock, in order to help the organs better eliminate metabolic waste and toxins put in blood circulation. Use between 250-500ml. It works reflexively and for constipated people re-educates intestinal peristalsis.

How to get the most out of the baked apple cure?

Last but not least important: be relaxed! In order to get the most out of your mono diet, try to preserve yourself from daily stress and media news. Read books you like, watch pleasant films that make you laugh, bring sweetness to your daily life, do activities that please you the most. In order to disconnect as much as possible, the best thing is to do a cure during holidays and in a surrounding other than the place of your everyday life.

In conclusion

Pamper your body and mind, give yourself love and time. You really deserve it!

Are you ready to try the baked apple mono diet?

If you want to test the experience, send me your questions and thoughts. If you do not yet feel ready to try the baked apple mono diet, you can test the preparation for fasting before starting a cure. It is beneficial as it is.

If you have any questions, send me an email or post a comment. Can’t wait to hear from you.


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