Detox formulas.


Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting consists of eating during a limited hour window. The simplest way of practicing it is to skip breakfast or dinner. At Pliades retreats we combine intermittent fasting along with the circadian rhythm. Meals are made using pure raw ingredients such as vegetables, fruits and a variety of nuts. It is a very mild form of detox.

Fruit fasting

A fruit fasting or monodiete consists of eating a single fruit for a limited time. The possibilities vary according to the seasons. In this way you can experience the benefits of fasting while still eating. It is a mild form of detox that cleanses and energises your body at the same time. Fruit fasting can be practiced throughout the year but is especially advised at each change of season.

Water fasting

Water fasting is placed on the top of the detox pyramid. It consists of abstaining from any form of food for a limited period of time. Digestive organs rest, allowing cell regeneration, thus improving physical, emotional and mental condition.